Monday 7 January 2019

(B)ringing in the New Year - Updated in Bold

I started the new year with some local birding at Bingham's Pond and Knightswood Park. And both locations turned up trumps on the 'ring reading' front.

I also met another ring reader who provided lots of information as well as mentioning he reads my blog - thanks Gavin.

So on to the ringed birds, all seen on 2 January 2019:

1. Black-headed Gull, Bingham's Pond - apparently ringed in Norway and awaiting more information

2. Black-headed Gull - Knightswood Park pond - ringed Grange-over-Sands, Cumbria 4/12/18

3. Black-headed Gull - Knightswood Park pond - ringed Ythan Estuary 3/6/14

4. Black-headed Gull - Knightswood Park pond - ringed Victoria Park, Glasgow 15/12/18

5. Mute Swan - Knightswood Park pond - ringed Castle Semple Loch 5/2/17

So, five ringed birds - a good way to (b)ring in the new year!

Moving further afield, five of us got together yesterday for a spot of birding along the River Leven at Balloch Country Park. Despite the dreich weather, we added to our year list with four Mandarin Ducks (3 males) being the highlight.

Three of us then moved on to the Croftamie area and we managed to locate the Greenland White-fronted Goose flock, or at least 120 of them, plus two Pink-footed Geese. The drizzle had now stopped allowing me to take this record shot.

Thanks to Peter, Judith, Mike and Lynda.

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