Sunday 26 May 2024

A First for Hogganfield Park LNR and the City, plus a first for Bingham's Pond LNR

 The web site is still in 'cold storage' BUT thought these two sightings were worthy of some defrosting!

Yesterday I found a Reed Warbler at Hogganfield Park LNR. This was the first record of this species at the LNR and the City! Apologies for the quality of the photo but I was at full zoom.

Reed Warbler - Hogganfield Park LNR - 25 May 2024

Also of note was a drake Garganey at Bingham's Pond LNR on 14 May 2024. This was a first for the Pond.

Garganey - Bingham's Pond LNR - 14 May 2024

Wednesday 6 December 2023

Waxwings at Bingham's Pond, Glasgow

Whilst the web page is still in 'cold storage', I thought this was worthy of another post - 12 Waxwings at Bingham's Pond, Glasgow, 6 December 2023.

Waxwing, Bingham's Pond - 6/12/23

Waxwing, Bingham's Pond - 6/12/23

Tuesday 17 October 2023

Lesser Whitethroat in our Garden!

 Although the page is in 'cold storage', I thought this was worth reporting. We have had a Lesser Whitethroat in our garden 16-17 October 2023!

Lesser Whitethroat - 16 October 2023

Also a reminder about my YouTube channel which features birds and other wildlife from Glasgow, Scotland and the Rest of the World (2) Jim Coyle - YouTube

Saturday 15 July 2023

July Update


As you may have guessed, I have decided to put this site into 'cold storage', at least for now.

Over the last few months, my birding has been limited to a few sites in Glasgow and details and sightings from these are covered on other pages.

So please feel free to follow and/or support the following:

(3) Facebook

Friends of Glasgow's Local Nature Reserves | A voluntary Group passionate about Glasgow's wildlife (

I'll finish with a photo of a species I once thought I'd never see in Glasgow, never mind at Dawsholm Park LNR.

Jay - Dawsholm Park LNR

Wednesday 5 April 2023

Birding Review March 2023

We started the month with a short visit to Mull. The weather was mainly dull and overcast. However, we did record 53 species including White-tailed Eagle, Golden Eagle, Hen Harrier and Great Northern Diver.

Pair of White-tailed Eagles

Pair of Golden Eagles

Female Hen Harrier

Great Northern Diver

I also made a few other trips to places further afield, such as Scone Palace where a Hawfinch was photographed.


However, in the main, my birding trips were limited to regular visits to my local patch - Bingham's Pond - where I saw 30 bird species.

These included sightings of Goosanders, the drake Ring-necked Duck and, at the end of the month, an adult Iceland Gull!

Drake Goosander

Drake Ring-necked Duck

Iceland Gull

Despite the limited number of birdwatching trips, other than short walks to Bingham's Pond, I saw 99 species during March 2023, including the first proper summer migrant in the form of a Chiffchaff.

 Hopefully, April will prove to be a better month.

Sunday 12 March 2023

Birdwatching walks in Ibiza (part 2)

Here is a link to a short video I produced to illustrate the habitats and some of the birds that could be seen on the three walks that Lynda and I are leading at the Costa Music Festival - here

Also see previous post.

Birdwatching walk 2022