Wednesday 1 August 2012

Mid-summer Millichen

As mentioned in a previous blog, Millichen is best visited in autumn and/or winter, particularly after heavy rain. However, it can produce good bird/wildlife watching at any time and yesterday was no exception.

In summary, 26 species of bird, 4 species of butterfly and one mammal were seen.

Some summer migrants appear to have had a good season with good numbers of Swallows present at East Millichen Farm and Millichen Steadings. There were a few young Whitethroats and Willow Warblers present as well as a solitary Sand Martin and Swift.

It was also good to find a juvenile Stonechat after the last two winters had resulted in the loss of the resident pairs. The resident Yellowhammers, Reed Buntings and Tree Sparrows were all seen, as was a good flock of House Sparrows.

Looking west to East Millichen Farm, from Balmore Road

Young Common Whitethroat

Adult Yellowhammer, with food for young

There were large numbers of Green-veined White butterflies with also some Small Tortoiseshell, a few Meadow Brown and Ringlet all benefitting from the range of wildflowers and grasses that can be found here.

Orange Hawkweed

Green-veined White butterflies

Small Tortoiseshell

Over the next few weeks keep an eye out for passage waders, assuming that Millichen Flood actually holds some water. In the past, Black-tailed Godwit, Ruff, Greenshank and even a Pectoral Sandpiper have turned up!


  1. Hi Jim,

    Millichen looks well worth a visit. i've had a look using Google maps, but can't work out whether there are any places for easy/ convenient parking. Any suggestions?

  2. Hi John

    Firstly, note that Millichen Road is a single track road. It has a tarmac surface from Balmore Road to West Millichen Farm. From West Millichen Farm it is a fairly smooth gravel surface down passed the various Steadings; but is a rough farm track up to Boclair Road. Secondly, there are no 'designated' parking areas. However, most people park in a small area of hard standing at the 'Y' junction at West Millichen Farm. There is also scope to park in the yard at East Millichen Farm. The farm house is occupied but not by a farmer. The area is farmed by farmers from outwith the 'Millichen Boundary' - they lease fields from the land owner. I hope this helps. I don't own a car or drive so I do my birdwatching on foot!
